Summer of AI 2.0: Are We Getting Anywhere?

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Like it or not, we are in for another “Hot AI Summer.” AI continues its reign as the most hot-button issue in tech policy today. With another year under our belts, has lawmakers’ thinking around AI regulation evolved? Have we actually gotten anywhere or are we all just talking, talking, talking? 

While it's typical for policymaking to slow during an election year, and half the world is in the midst of one, AI remains a priority in DC, in the states and around the world. Last summer, we broke down some of the hype over the technology and its role in our work and security. This summer, we’re highlighting some of the organizations working to figure out how to best use the technology and regulate it in a way that fosters growth and innovation, while safeguarding against consumer harms.

We continue to be optimistic about AI’s role in the tech ecosystem ― as long as we understand that ‘AI’ isn’t just one thing, and do not attempt to treat it as such. We’ve worked at the intersection of communications and public policy long enough that we’ve seen this before: a new technology that inspires hope and fear and a backbone of laws and regulations that can inform its future. 

AI is a game-changer because it is wide-ranging, transformative, and moving fast. This technology has the power to change the world, for better or for worse. We have existing laws that can help us navigate some of the immediate AI challenges like privacy and copyright issues, but the best long-term approach to AI will require everyone to get educated and get involved to shape its future ― not just techies.

So between your backyard barbecues, baseball games and poolside beers, we hope you join us for this year’s #SummerofAI. Check out our recap blog to catch up on last year’s #SummerofAI and stay tuned for what we have in store for this one!